Relay Tour of Britain

Update Feb 05

Thanks to everyone who has stepped up to the plate as a baton carrier or with offers of assistance and help - it is greatly appreciated. I will be sending an e-mail to you all within the next 10 days with more specific information.

For those who either missed the first 'call to arms' or who are undecided you should read the outline before continuing. The event will raise money for charity - the recipients will be a British charity - the Tsunami has touched everyone, however some of the charities closer to home have been affected by a dip in donations over this period. Rumours that the Charity is: "bonk Mr. Brown's noggin with a heavy plank until he re-introduces rolling taxing for classic cars (BmBNWHPURIRTCC)" are completely unfounded.

So far we have a large area in England covered and should now be able to easily move the baton from Yorkshire, through the Midlands, east into Norfolk, down to Kent around the Greater London and west into Cornwall. That's maybe the easier bit - we have various other baton carriers but we volunteers to help get the baton closer to those areas. Particular areas that we would like people to help out are:

  • Herefordshire
  • North Wales (no one in wales at all at the minute!)
  • North West England (a little extra cover)
  • Lincolnshire

And then then there's a desperate need to help get the baton into Scotland - we have willing carriers North of the border but so far no one in Cumbria or Outline of the Tour as at Feb 2005the North East to help get the baton close. In addition the original 9 days will now be extended with no set end date... the start is still June 11th so if anyone would like to carry the baton to/from Northern Ireland please step forward.

The relay is intended to be a scenic, enjoyable event. It will not be set against the clock and there will be no overnight carrying (well not unless someone really wants to). Each evening the baton will 'stop' and be handed over to the another carrier - who in turn will carry it to the next person. Each time the baton is handed over there must be a photo taken and well I may as well say what the baton is going to be....nah you'll have to read on... you are going to like it!!!

The route of the baton will be down to the carrier - who will be encouraged to avoid the main road where possible... there are no time penalties remember! Along the way we want photo's of some of the scenery - some places will be on the compulsory list of places to go. To help make the photo's memorable we have (or will soon) a great baton.

Everyone who carries the baton or participates should sign the baton (hehehe) and there will be room for those signatures!

So I was struggling for baton ideas and then over a few pints a suggestion was made... and it made sense. The baton will fit in the boot of the car, but you may wish to keep overnight bags (if you are taking part of a couple of days) on the smaller side (I will test capacity with the co-pilots normal luggage for two nights.... which is a sizeable chunk and would normal attract a 'Heavy' label from airport baggage handlers - but don't tell her I said that).

Oh I've not said what it is have I? Well it's only fair that those who have volunteered get to know first isn't it!

Hey a Relay Tour that sound great/stupid... how do I get involved?